“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997.  A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found […]

Fancy munching on some 1080 pellets? Read this shocking story from Pam at Envirowatchrangitikei: July 7 2019 by Pam Vernon Recently, environmentalist David McDonald contacted HS Safety Compliance in concern over a recent article from Stuff where “Epro operations director Ian Roberts said if they [forestry workers] had touched or […]

Over the past 20 years, governments in Canada have been waging legal battle with the tobacco industry. The objective, officially, has been to extract billions of dollars from the cigarette companies in compensation for the health damage caused by their products. Terence CorcoranFinancial PostTue, 18 Jun 2019 12:19 UTC Trials […]

The warnings are now overwhelming and compelling. 5G. It’s fast, but the health risks just aren’t worth it. MH Michale SnyderEnd of the American DreamSun, 19 May 2019 00:00 UTC SaveEven though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have […]

A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. Arjun WaliaCollective EvolutionTue, 30 Apr 2019 11:29 UTC A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. The connection between human […]
