You’ve all seen the dramatic images on mainstream media. The magnificent and world famous Notre Dame cathedral disintegrating in a hellish inferno. For this author, it all echoes of the destruction by earthquake of so many churches here in Christchurch, especially the iconic Anglican Cathedral. By Martin Harris 16/4/19 Was […]

Yup, I’m going full-throttle “conspiracy” mode on this one! We’ve seen all the UN elements taking shape: Earthquakes and “resilient cities”, terror attacks, mass population displacements (migration), austerity/sustainability measures, and the ramping up of wireless technologies. We even have political figures attaining almost religious reverance! All that’s missing is the […]

Time to wake up. Beethoven’s Ode To Joy blares uncomfortably loudly from the Monitor to inform you of this fact. A different tune plays in your mind: Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb. By Martin Harris, 6/4/19 Hello, is there anybody in there? Open your eyes and look around. Living (if you […]
