Probably not much, is the short answer. By Martin Harris, 12/5/19 A recent UN report claims that “up to a million species of plants and animals are declining at a rate previously unseen in human history.” Well, that’s hardly surprising. It’s being blamed on climate change. Again, hardly surprising. “Human […]
2030 Agenda
Now a 16 year old girl has the knowledge, wisdom and experience to endorse the actions of a “Climate Activist” group called The Extinction Rebellion, and everyone takes notice. Not a scientist, nor even a TV presenter with saint-like standing (see below), but a teenage girl. Yes, she’s smart, she’s […]
The end is nigh: Who will save us? Read this pamphlet: Salvation is at hand for those who will listen! For those of us old enough to remember the decades of the 60s and 70s, these messages will sound familiar. Martin Harris 17/4/19 (be sure to check out all the […]
You’ve all seen the dramatic images on mainstream media. The magnificent and world famous Notre Dame cathedral disintegrating in a hellish inferno. For this author, it all echoes of the destruction by earthquake of so many churches here in Christchurch, especially the iconic Anglican Cathedral. By Martin Harris 16/4/19 Was […]
What happened to the days when the local constabulary would have a chat with Mum and Dad about allegedly wayward offspring? Welcome to The Police State folks: Where innocent kids are transformed into embittered adults (and therefore potential terrorism candidates). So much for all the universal love and inclusivity! Martin […]
In a world where the term “Toxic Masulinity” is thrown around with increasing frequency and young men feel increasingly lost and alienated, Jordan B. Peterson, one of the last speakers of common sense in a world where sense isn’t common any more, is a breath of fresh air and a […]
Yup, I’m going full-throttle “conspiracy” mode on this one! We’ve seen all the UN elements taking shape: Earthquakes and “resilient cities”, terror attacks, mass population displacements (migration), austerity/sustainability measures, and the ramping up of wireless technologies. We even have political figures attaining almost religious reverance! All that’s missing is the […]
Time to wake up. Beethoven’s Ode To Joy blares uncomfortably loudly from the Monitor to inform you of this fact. A different tune plays in your mind: Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb. By Martin Harris, 6/4/19 Hello, is there anybody in there? Open your eyes and look around. Living (if you […]
In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population. Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make […]
Besides the main thrust of the story (the running man) there is something to highlight here that ties in with the headline-grabbing events here in Christchurch, NZ. Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out: It is unclear what happened after he broke through security barriers and ran towards King […]