Sky News host Andrew Bolt says “we have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak” after New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister refused to criticise China on COVID-19’s origins or on the treatment of Hong Kong and its activists. “As I’ve said before, New Zealand is selling out […]
The oppression of Christians across the globe continues. By ProTrumpNews StaffPublished April 3, 2021 According to eyewitnesses, The Chinese Communist party is imprisoning Christians in “brainwashing” centers forcing them to renounce their faith. The eyewitnesses also say that they faced routine beatings and indoctrination. Breitbart News reported: Eyewitnesses told Radio Free […]
The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov was recalled to Moscow, a few days ago. For those unaware of the significance: Russia is now on a war footing with America. by G Squared Expect the bullshit factories to run in overtime in America. Industrial level brown nosing by America and its current owners […]
COVID, lockdowns, totalitarianism and runaway capitalism. Here’s a firsthand account of life in China form an American whose views on his own country were transformed. In this interview, we talked with Kevin, a California native who, in his words, went from an almond milk latte drinking millennial liberal who viewed […]
Confirms what we suspected. We are being harvested for our DNA. Back in 2017, we posted an item highlighting the CCP’s collecting of biometric data, including DNA samples, of citizens in Xinjiang, as usual these “guinea pigs” were Uighur Muslims. China Collecting Biometric Data From Every Citizen In Xinjiang » […]
Why does Shiva dance as the WHO and the CCP meet in Geneva? Connections Forming! This image was pre-COVID I believe. This image appeared in a piece by Jo of Red Sky In The Morning blog, reposted here: SHIVA, GENEVA, AND WORLD HEALTH » Uncensored Publications Limited At the time, […]
I can write the following as some public domain information is pending over the next few days. There is no current civil war, for a reason. And indeed: Orange should have acted in 2017. by G Squared 1/2/21 On 9/9/1776: The United Colonies became The United States of America. British […]
China is heaping praise on New Zealand as “an example for Australia in how to deal” with foreign affairs after Trade Minister Damien O’Connor suggested our trans-Tasman neighbour practice “more diplomacy” with China. From Newshub: O’Connor’s remarks have riled some Australian politicians, such as Liberal MP Dave Sharma, who told The Sydney Morning […]
There is some question as to whether this is misinformation or not… Since, as per usual, most news outlets are repeating the story without question, we’ve done a little digging back to the source… Below are links to several items on the subject. The real concern here is that while […]