Better than Ardern: Deepest respect to Donald Trump for this good deed! The Trump administration on Monday blacklisted eight Chinese companies whose products are used in the surveillance of Uighur Muslims in Western China. By ADAM BEHSUDI and DOUG PALMER 10/07/2019 06:18 PM EDT The order bans U.S. companies from […]
There is a deep contrast between what’s happening in Hong Kong and the growing Extinction Rebellion protest movement. The former fights for democracy, the latter fights to subvert it. Opinion by Martin Harris First, there’s the Hong Kong situation: What would you do if a credible and immediate threat to […]
If this was what the Vice pres. was up to, how much worse was the President?Things are getter hotter by the day as facts emerge that make The Bidens look ever more corrupt! Black Conservative Patriot What are your thoughts? Share them below! #BCP#NEWS#BCPNEWS For More Content or to Support […]
Read the following article and “new” theory carefully. Read between the lines. But first here’s my thoughts: This subject is something I’ve encountered before with regards to many ancient civilisations. Climate change (usually cooling) is linked to a downfall. This has nothing to do with human induced climate change and […]
At the height of the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstration and the crossroads of the U.S.-China trade talks, Zooming In host Simone Gao interviewed former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. They discussed Hong Kong’s future, what’s next for the U.S.-China trade war, the stakes for all parties, and above all, […]
The AIM-AFI research teams reviewed the Grassley – Johnson Investigation of the DOJ’s and FBI’s Handling of the Clinton Investigation. Their initial findings are highlighted below the audio. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben talk about these national security crimes. Hillary is a Chinese Agent Hillary was our first […]
The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. Paul Craig Roberts The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, […]
The powder-keg situation in Hong Kong sends ripples around the world. Here in NZ, the right to protest highlights Chinese interference in New Zealand politics. Good on David Seymour for taking action to address the situation. More than 100 gather for Hong Kong protest at the University of Auckland Hong […]
zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]
On Monday, the Washington Post reported that Huawei had been secretly working in North Korea on various communication projects, including building and maintaining the country’s wireless network Source: Huawei’s work has been in direct violation of the sanctions imposed on North Korea because of its nuclear weapons activity. The […]