Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person was PAID. They are a Rockefeller stooge. They may not know it; but their profession has been entirely corrupted. AUTHOR: Elizabeth Nicksonelizabethnickson.substack.comSun, 07 Jul 2024 © Unknown This is the most public of their estates, but trust me on this, […]

Denials are flooding out from “experts” and weather mod companies alike (its “safe and effective”). Yet both China and Dubai openly boast of using cloud seeding to modify the weather. Naturally the finger is pointed at that catch-all boogeyman, climate change. What do you think? MH © Christopher Pike/Bloomberg via […]

Last month, everybody’s favourite intergovernmental agency, the World Health Organisation (WHO), published a “new toolkit empowering health professionals to tackle climate change”. Ben PileDaily ScepticFri, 12 Apr 2024 The toolkit is the latest attempt to enlist one of the most trusted professions into the climate war. But not only is this transparently […]

Sunday Triple Treat: education, entertainment and news updates selected from our YT surfing. Enjoy! Martin Climate the Movie Mar 23, 2024 The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson. NYC […]

Bill Gates is suddenly changing his tune and appears to be abandoning the “climate doom” Narrative just as more people see through the climate change façade and realize how their lives are being exploited by globalism. From expose-news.com Via Pam Vernon, https://envirowatchnz.com/ “Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent […]

I can’t think of anything witty for the subheading. I must be suffering from Climate Change-itis. I think it’s about time for a reality reboot. This reality has glitched beyond repair. I’m just glad Kyle Merrit isn’t my doctor. look at the satisfied grin on that blithering idiot’s face. Proud […]
