A “must watch” speech from Senator Pat Toomey ‘Where Would A Person Even Come Up With These Ideas?’ Toomey Points To Soviet Upbringing Of Nominee Forbes Breaking News919K subscribers Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to discuss the candidacy of Saule Omarova to run the […]

YOU IGNORANT FOOLS DID EVERYTHING THAT THEY WANTED YOU TO. Yuri Brezmenov. From Joyce Bowen (link to full article below) These are things every American citizen (and the rest of especially NZ! Martin) should know that are not being taught in our schools to our children.  These are things citizens […]

SOCIALISTS ARE FOND OF SAYING THAT SOCIALISMhas never failed because it has never been tried. But in truth, socialismhas failed in every country in which it has been tried, from the SovietUnion beginning a century ago to three modern countries that tried butultimately rejected socialism—Israel, India, and the United Kingdom… […]
