And he had a legitimate Mask exemption! MH Paul Joseph Watson – SUMMIT News Aug 3, 2021 A shocking video out of Brisbane, Australia shows an elderly man suffering a suspected heart attack after he was arrested by police for not wearing a mask outside while exercising. The incident occurred […]

“Jacinda Ardern tests negative for Covid-19 after catching a cold from daughter” According to MSM source Stuff: by Martin Harris 8/4/21 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will miss the first day back in Parliament after a three-week recess after catching a cold from daughter Neve. A spokesman for the Prime Minister […]

The best episode yet! Welcome to Clown World Vol. 42 The Outer Light79.6K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾

Eleven days before Donald Trump was sworn-in as President, the Obama regime LIFTED a moratorium on “gain of function” research, paving the way for scientists to fiddle with germs, like COVID, to see if they could be made MORE contagious. First a definition.  What is “gain of function” research? “. […]

A malaria drug which Donald Trump was condemned for hailing as a possible COVID-19 treatment can increase survival rates by up to 200 per cent, scientists say. Scientists found that, when ventilated patients with a severe version of COVID were given high doses of hydroxychloroquine with zinc, their survival rates […]

Genuine question – is it? And note this is NOT CENSORABLE as it only uses government data, and does not discuss medical information. So is it? Ivor Cummins183K subscribers The source article for the Sweden Data:… Please share as widely as possible – you can download the compressed video […]

THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE MAKING HEAD-LINE NEWS AROUND THE WORLD ..this is beyond David and Goliath and beyond Lord of the Rings…this is REALITY being battled for at this very moment. Here is part of a blog post I am working on this very hour. It’s not yet finished […]

In this special report, we discuss Beijing’s ambition over one of the most sensitive types of data—DNA. The Chinese Communist Party is allegedly collecting DNA around the world through a state-linked company offering COVID-19 testing assistance to other countries—granting it access to people’s biometric data. Bill Evanina, former director of […]
