First in a series on ‘names to know and their connections to the global agenda’. Lets meet Bill. By Martin Harris Let me tell you a story I heard from a friend. We were talking about the Eighties and what we were doing back then. As fellow petrol-heads, we related […]
Superbly composed. Hats off to RNZ for publishing this letter and to the author Catriona MacLennan Catriona MacLennan Radio New Zealand Opinion – Dear New Zealand Police, Aotearoa has not given you a blank cheque for your response to Covid-19. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller These are unprecedented times and […]
The inhumanity of Social Distancing applied indiscriminately. This article from the Otago Daily Times highlights the need for logic and common sense (increasingly uncommon these days) under current circumstances. Not to mention compassion. For pity’s sake, COVID-19 or not, the guy is dying. Give him the love and dignity he […]
“The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we.” April 2, 2020 By John W. Whitehead “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”—Viktor Frankl We […]
Last week, the day New Zealand went into full lock down, I was shocked at the turn of events – but not afraid of the Coronavirus. My daughter and son-in-law felt that I was not taking it seriously enough. I told them I would obey the lock down, but I […]
Contributor Jeff Wefferson passed this onto us and it’s a real eye opener! More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t! Dana Ashlie If your video clip was featured and I didn’t already note it, it’s bc I couldn’t find the original poster. Please email me […]
This puts the COVID-19 pandemic in proper perspective, so why wasn’t the planet shut down in 2018? First the article, then my comments. MH. Maggie Fox – NBC News Sept 27, 2018 Flu killed 80,000 people this past season and put 900,000 into the hospital, making it the worst influenza […]
The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well below recent averages. Off-GuardianMon, 30 Mar 2020 20:16 UTC The statistics were gathered by the European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action […]
Trend-bucking Swedes may provide an interesting comparison. If Sweden gets through this OK then some hard questions will need to be asked regarding most other nation’s draconian responses. Martin RTMon, 30 Mar 2020 23:28 UTC © JONATHAN NACKSTRANDPeople dine in a restaurant on March 27, 2020 in Stockholm during the […]
The Police State has well and truly arrived, and everyone’s a potential agent. MH Martin EvansThe TelegraphFri, 27 Mar 2020 21:06 UTC Police chiefs are urging snoopers to use online “hotlines” to snitch on neighbours who are breaching the Government’s coronavirus lockdown. Humberside has become the first police force to […]