“This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends. What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking […]
Deep State
People around us are bluffed and terrified by the incessant lies and deceptions. by G Squared 4/8/20 With a general election in some ninety days; why are the opposition forces so desperate? They must know they represent no one, and cannot win unless their intended massive voter frauds succeed. As […]
“warning shot” about a possible escalation of the New Cold War on the part of the American ‘deep state’, if there is a Joe Biden electoral victory: Does it count as Russian electoral meddling? MH Rhys JonesOff GuardianSat, 20 Jun 2020 The new spy thriller Alpha R, which is being shot […]
President Donald Trump breaks a 250-year long stranglehold of the Royal Political Elite and their central banks. Michael Tellinger Since the 1760s and the rise of the Rothschild banking empire, the world has been held hostage by the global banking elite families, led by the Rothschilds – creating the largest […]
Good old fashioned non-COVID political comment from correspondent G Squared: Flynn was just exonerated. Manafort, Gates, and Stone were also wrongly convicted by ‘The Crooked Cops’ of The FBI, The Deep State Garbage of The DOJ, and their bench partners in crime. The fraudulent chase for Concord Management and thirteen […]
The totally disengaged Cool Kids Of The Paperless Void, and Government Lifers of The Artifical Intelligence of their sheltered workshops, would have naturally mutated and evolved as the life forms they did, because hordes never listen to the sane. By G Squared 18/12/19 Killing the messenger always kills any message […]
A personal account by G Squared 12/12/19 I was present when what became known as The Age Tapes were taken by NSW Police Intel (Remington Bldg. across to The Deputy Commissioner at College St. HQ. He also had THE Intel phone on his desk, which I had cause to access […]
“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements” In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. […]
Since both Cameron and May are Deep State fronting Remainers, They handed the file to Corbyn in 2017, after destroying the Conservative ability to deliver Brexit. On the basis that Brexit had to somehow be approved after the Referendum result. Which is a lie. by G Squared 16/11/19 Westminster has no authority […]
New book by Peter A. Kirby reveals all! With thanks to Activistpost By Peter A. Kirby Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet aircraft in the sky that routinely dump megatons of toxic waste over us and our biosphere? We know it is happening. Emissions from jet […]