“We…found examples of people who upon leaving hospital found DNACPR decisions in their discharge papers without any discussion having been had with them… if they contracted COVID; they were being written off.” Adam Stachura- Director of AGE Scotland Dr. John Campbell https://www.covid19inquiry.scot/sites… As an example, somebody got in touch with […]

Freedom of Speech in relation to health freedom is the subject. Dr. John Campbell presents a real cracker here and takes the censorship monster to task. Facebook Bowed to White House Pressure, Removed Covid Posts Internal Meta emails say pressure from Washington was behind a decision to take down posts […]

Four members of the European Parliament as well as prestigious doctors gave a short highlights summary in a press conference, on May 4, 2023, of the 3rd International Covid Summit which was held in the European Parliament the previous day. 143,668 views May 5, 2023 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Who defines truth

READ BETWEEN THE LINES! Dr. John Campbell carefully sidesteps the YouTube censorship stick after his video on post-vaccination stillbirths and miscarriages causes various local authorities to rapidly alter their data. If so many “clerical errors” occur in government data on such critical FOi releases, how can we trust anything the […]

Their total silence on the excess death numbers in the UK tell you everything you need to know. There is no other intervention that could have caused numbers like these. That’s why they are silent. This linked John Campbell video was posted 3 months ago showing a stunning rise in excess […]

Euthanasia masked as Covid medication? Some of us have suspected something like this since day one. Dr. Campbell sets out the facts. COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community https://web.archive.org/web/202004090… Correlate the use of these drugs with ‘covid’ deaths https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/detai… Spike in deaths, […]

Bombshell as Pfizer continues the ass-covering. Dr. Campbell, gone from vax promoter to awakened skeptic, unravelling the data and presenting the facts, in the aftermath of the Project Veritas exposé, and this presentation is damning for Pfizer and for ALL who promoted this mRNA injection. Be sure to share widely! […]

In the wake of the recent “viral” Project Veritas bombshell relating to deliberate virus mutation, Pfizer has issued a response. We scrutinize it, and we include John Campbell’s “terrified” analysis, with a nice ending quotation! Martin Harris 29/1/23 Below is Pfizer’s release, please note the portion of text that I […]
