Liz Gunn shares a crucial message with all voters who care about the future of New Zealand in this upcoming 2023 election Liz Gunn – NZL 28/06/2023 New Zealand Loyal – The FreeNZ Editorial ( Casey Hodgkinson Interview – Dr Bruce Dooley – Federation Of State Medical Boards – […]

Article sent to FreeNZ on the events of last Saturday Evening. By Debbie Swanwick 3/3/23 Liz Gunn, a non-government-sponsored journalist, and her cameraman, Jonathan Clark have been arrested at Auckland Airport. Gunn and Clark were attempting to interview friends – the Patelesio family – returning from Tokelau who has been […]

Mainstream Media corruption, Police dirty tactics, it’s all here. Thanks to Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Liz Gunn speaks with Brenton Faithfull, a funeral director and a Justice of the Peace, about his experiences over the last year in New Zealand. FreeNZ on—BrentonFaithfull:5 SOURCE: ClareSwinney

Think things are bad in your corner of the world? Watch this example of rampant totalitarianism. And who is Administrator of Tokelau ? Ross Ardern. Administrator’s Corner ( He’s Been Placed Under House Arrest For 11 Months And Counting Thanks to Liz Gunn at for bringing this to our […]

Former TV1 presenter Liz Gunn interviews Winston Peters on the two year trespass notice issued to him recently by Trevor Mallard. A frank and honest discussion that reflects how many NZers are feeling right now about current events and the direction our country is taking. EWR From Pam Vernon at EWR WATCH AT […]

The turmoil of post-shot tinnitus was too relentless for this Kiwi grandmother. by Liz Gunn ‘Thinking Kiwis’ shared this potent piece and brought to light the immense yet quiet suffering that many good, salt-of-the-earth Kiwis have endured during this immensely challenging period. To the ones who couldn’t endure any […]
