Weather has been dangerous lately, most notably in the hurricane events Stateside, but less well spotlighted by Western media are events in the East. Naturally there have been mutterings about “weather wars”. Now would be a suitable time for a reminder about things spoken of in the 1990s about military […]

Denials are flooding out from “experts” and weather mod companies alike (its “safe and effective”). Yet both China and Dubai openly boast of using cloud seeding to modify the weather. Naturally the finger is pointed at that catch-all boogeyman, climate change. What do you think? MH © Christopher Pike/Bloomberg via […]

Please send this video to the Department of Defense (DoD). The NOAA weather satellite (goes 16 and 17) are both showing military locations of facilities, troops, and even ships / subs in the ocean! Not good. https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse This video is rated PG13 for slight language. I tried telling everyone in […]

Are you getting the picture yet? This article from Clare Swinney at chemtrailsnorthnz surely must pose some very obvious questions for you. As also must this one (link). The technology clearly exists but is clearly not being used for the reasons you would expect … EWR From Pam Vernon, original source Clare Swinney https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/ […]

Was the Christchurch disaster man-made? Is the Auckland weather disaster man-made? Can we geo-engineer quakes and floods? Bringing back memories of the Christchurch earthquake disaster of 12 years ago, Auckland NZ is now devasted by massive flooding and subsequent infrastructure damage. Christchurch 2011 introduced the phrase “Build Back Better” to […]
