“Planning and Preparing” for an Alpine event they say. So watch out for more political shenanigans and hidden agendas revolving around forthcoming seismic events. Take head from the Christchurch scenario, Wellingtonians especially. Here’s the MSM story from Newshub: Simulation shows widespread damage if Alpine Fault ruptures Newshub staff Scientists, working […]
“In order to appreciate the future of undersea warfare, it is necessary to understand some aspects of the current state of the oceanographic sciences and their development. In no other field of warfare does the environment enter in so complex a way to fashion and fix the character of the […]
“It was possible to annihilate the world before the invention of computers, but it was far more difficult and much less likely. The invention of the computer instantly changed the speed at which war could be waged, the scale of its impact, and the quantity of destruction.” Jerry Mander, In […]
Has Alexa, Amazon’s AI home assistant, inadvertently blown the whistle on state authorities? Chemtrails “left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public by government officials.” Quote Alexa AI Amazon, having acknowledged that it was a program […]
“The oceans cover seventy percent of the Earth’s surface, yet more than eighty percent of our oceans are unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored…That means entire seamounts, channels, and other geologic structures, their corresponding ecosystems, and potential resources go undiscovered for most of the Earth” “It means that billions of dollars of […]
https://youtu.be/Nedlll5uXBU Published on Mar 25, 2018 SUBSCRIBE 83K Planitir is a private/public partnership with all the spook agencies to provide analytical full spectrum knowledge of each and every individual on Earth. Trump team is setting up for war. The skies are constantly covered in an opaque milky chemtrail haze delivered […]
“We can break the mountains apart; we can drain the rivers and flood the valleys. We can turn the most luxuriant forests into throw-away paper products. We can tear apart the great grass cover of the western plains and pour toxic chemicals into the soil and pesticides onto the fields […]
Spanning Almost 4000km wide, Kiwis should be prepared for any eventually if or when this monster low pressure system hits.
By Martin Harris The early hours of September 4, 2011 are still vivid in my memory. I half woke from sleep, wondering who the hell would be driving a big noisy diesel truck through the suburbs at this ungodly hour? I dozed off, briefly. The “Big noisy truck” apparently collided […]
A new video shows the devastation caused as a giant megathrust earthquake strikes off New Zealand, swamping the east coast with 12-metre waves.