Some people might not be familiar with the verb “to dissemble”, but we all need to become familiar with it, because there is a lot of dissembling going on. Anna Von Reitzpaulstramer.netMon, 30 Nov 2020 It basically means to deliberately conceal something or obfuscate it, so that one’s attention is […]
Health Freedom
“…earlier this year, there was another new peer-reviewed study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children. The results concluded that “unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined”. James HererWeblyfThu, 27 Aug 2020 On May this year, the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI), a “medical […]
As NZ’s government ramps up for “COVID 20”, they do a sudden U-Turn on face mask advice. by Martin Harris 6/8/20 Why? Previous advice steered away from mask use based on sound evidence. We’ve presented plenty of good solid scientific information here at at Uncensored that backs up Ashley Bloomfield’s […]
ACT NOW! Freedom to make informed choices, or enforced medication? From Pam Vernon at EWR: Petition request: That the House of Representatives urge theGovernment to ensure that the use of any coronavirus vaccine isvoluntary in New Zealand and that no coercion will be applied to NZersfrom Government or private entities to take it. […]
“Just wear masks, wash hands, use sanitizer. We have 46,000 tested cases in this state of 6.2 million people and 1,500 dead and now heading into a second spike. Although these figures look and sound horrendous, considering this was the US epicenter at first, these figures are actually good. Mostly […]
Yet more evidence evidence piles up against the effectiveness of masks, this time with historical context. MH Andrew BostomConservative Review Wed, 08 Jul 2020 W.H. Kellogg, M.D., infectious diseases expert and then-executive officer of the California State Board of Health, made this rueful, brutally honest 1920 observation on the failure of masking to contain rampant […]
Vaccines are NOT mandatory in NZ. A child has a right to refuse, as do their parents. No means no! MH Thanks to Pam at EWR for this alert: This incident was posted on social media yesterday, 1 July 2020. In the words of one of the parents: “A nurse […]
Very, very, disturbing. This sets a dangerous precedent: Is all non-conformance to be deemed psychopathic ? Watch out. MH Eric W. Dolan – June 7, 2020 New research provides some initial evidence that certain antagonistic personality traits are associated with ignoring preventative measures meant to halt the spread of […]
Opposition to 5G is worldwide. Many in Australia have been protesting deployment and continue to do so. One municipal council has agreed to conduct a safety investigation because of this. JUNE 26, 2020 By B.N. Frank Cities AND countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation as well as […]
I have been asked to share the following communication with Uncensored readers, authored by Robert Eady. Some of you may agree or disagree with this letter in whole or in part. All I can say is follow the advice of Chris Hedges: “Condemnation without investigation is proof of indoctrination” and […]