(Natural News) In 2015, New York Times writer Nick Bilton wrote an article entitled “The Health Concerns in Wearable Tech,” warning the public that devices like smartphones and Apple Watches emit a low-level radiation which has been linked to cancer, brain tumors and other problems when worn close to the body for […]
A subject I’m very passionate about myself, and have sent a submission to government about. Pleasing to see Jon R. is on the case. By Jon Rappoport The issue here is, who is going to decide whether the people of New Zealand are fluoridated? Who will be in charge? Communities, […]
Considering the other water associated ills currently affecting New Zealand; Over-extraction by irrigating dairy farms, dirty dairying, the “swimmable rivers’ debacle, the last thing we need is our precious water being practically given away to overseas corporations. Read and weep people. And the Environment minister wants us to believe that […]
Published on March 13, 2017 in Iodine We knew a hundred years ago that we needed more iodine and governments started putting a tiny bit in table salt. It was not enough and after the nuclear accident at Fukushima, we need more because of the radioactive iodine released into the […]
‘PM Malcolm Turnbull pushes for childcare ban for unvaccinated children ANNIKA SMETHURST Malcolm Turnbull meets with Toni McCaffery, who lost her daughter Dana in 2009 to whooping cough. UNVACCINATED children will be banned from all childcare centres and preschools in Australia under a hard line proposal spearheaded by the federal […]
Herd immunity used for fear and guilt Mar6 by Jon Rappoport Herd immunity, pop version, fraud by Jon Rappoport March 6, 2017 Hail to the herd! The herd is all! The concept of herd immunity (protection for the population) is often used by vaccine addicts as a way to push guilt […]
Controversial anti-vaccine movie Vaxxed is set to premiere under stealth in New Zealand next month, prompting fears that the film could lead to more children missing out on vaccination. Ticket buyers will only be notified of the venue by text or email three hours before its screening in a bid […]
‘Never Mind The Quality, Feel The Width.’ By G-squared. How do you explain food not being fit for consumption. ‘It’s not for eating. It’s for selling’. Socio-Economic Policies often transcend administrations. Particularly if there are hidden agendas driven by government continuum to take advantage of transient administrations. As Edward House […]
https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/new-nationwide-policies-for-1080-to-be-rolled-out/ar-AAnp7I5?ocid=SK2MDHP The government is set to introduce new regulations to enforce the use of poisons like 1080. Currently it is up to regional councils to set rules for the use of 1080 and other poisons in their region. But now the government will set rules to apply throughout the country, […]
FROM ROSE AT THE CON TRAIL: https://thecontrail.com/forum/topics/monsanto-is-scrambling-to-bury-this-breaking-story-don-t-let-this I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of […]