I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab. From Pauline Hanson Australians have a right not to be bullied, threatened […]

Yet another call for aid! Here’s a petition request from Family First:   After just 48 hours, we’ve got 14,200+ signatures on our petition. But we need many more if we want the Government (and media!) to take any notice. THIS IS URGENT! Unfortunately, under the current proposal by the Government, thousands […]

Dear Sir Madam 20/10/2021. I am wondering if you would be able to confirm the information on this social media post as correct or not. Good afternoon Ben and thank you for contacting the Parliamentary Information Service.  We suggest you direct this question to the Speaker’s Office for definitive advice  speakers.office@parliament.govt.nz . […]

Something really odd is happening at hospitals all over the country, but no one seems to be talking about it. In one of the strangest years we’ve had in modern times, there’s an alarming mystery surrounding the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. Right now, emergency rooms are absolutely […]

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra took a look at Josef Mengele, Karl Brandt and the Nuremberg verdict on the trial of Nazi doctors. The court that tried those horrific Nazis wrote down a code — a series of rules, like the Ten Commandments. It had ten points outlining the medical […]

After almost two months, the Biden Administration is following through on its promise to punish companies with unvaccinated employees. In response, The Daily Wire is suing Biden for the unconstitutional vaccine mandate. We’re not complying, and neither should you. Get 25% off a new Daily Wire membership with code DoNotComply: […]
