Strange coincidence isn’t it? The US Capitol sure looks like its under martial law amid voter fraud protest. And what happens in Myanmar ? hmmm… Here’s an update straight from the Myanmar Times: Myanmar to clarify voter fraud, hold new round of elections | The Myanmar Times ( Meanwhile, with […]

Editor’s note: These two communications from our valued contributor, G Squared, make some sensational and extraordinary claims. But then, G Squared has access to many “insider” sources, so take heed, these are the writings of a well-informed individual! And, as always, do your research and “Think For Yourself”. I usually […]

4June   by Jon Rappoport Who’s destroying England? London attacks and the war against Brexit NOTE: Watch Paul Watson’s shocking video, The Truth about ‘Refugees’ by Jon Rappoport June 4, 2017 “Here’s a great idea, boys. Gather around. We’re going to build, on top of every national government on the […]
