“Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation” By Martin Harris 24/9/21 Inspired by a communication from G Squared Several days back, we received our usual communications from our mysterious correspondent “G Squared”. One particular article had us scratching our heads. It addressed the subject of the apparent spectacular success of Ivermectin […]

MUST READ: Don’t listen to the mainstream media narrative, here’s some truth medicine! From greenmedinfo.com Posted on: Thursday, March 19th 2020 at 9:15 am Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2020 Serious doubts about the accuracy of COVID-19 testing methods, results, mortality rates, and […]

Another constant of Sci-Fi becomes reality! from New Scientist: Doctors have placed humans in suspended animation for the first time, as part of a trial in the US that aims to make it possible to fix traumatic injuries that would otherwise cause death. Samuel Tisherman, at the University of Maryland […]

Looks like the ethical Pandora’s Box is opened. Mind you, behind closed doors it’s probably been opened for years…MH Tim SandleDigital JournalSat, 27 Jul 2019 19:39 UTC Japan has approved the first ever human-animal embryo experiments. This research could produce an alternative sources of organs for transplant. However, there are […]

From Snafu At The Con Trail https://thecontrail.com/profiles/blogs/colloidal-silver-get-it-while-you-can Colloidal Silver – Get it While You Can   Removed from public use in the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s by the medical profession in their move to purge natural health remedies from the marketplace, Colloidal Silver persisted through public demand. […]
