Covid backpedaling? Propaganda narratives shift slowly over time to absorb aspects of undeniable reality, whilst minimising damage to the interests of those benefiting from the big lie. Rebekah BarnettThe Daily ScepticWed, 03 Jul 2024 First, the Covid vaccines were safe and effective, and we were set to experience a pandemic of the unvaccinated. […]

Recent developments are shedding light on the truths we’ve been advocating for from the beginning—and they have reached mainstream media. From NZDSOS: In the U.S., the 9th Circuit Court recently ruled in favour of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. This landmark decision, written by Judge Ryan D. Nelson, recognises the […]

MSM talkback radio host Mike Hosking brings up the Pfizer and Moderna legal cases and asks, “Why is this not headline news”? Editors comment by Martin Harris 18/6/24 This author is in the habit of listening to Mike’s entertaining show on the radio while having breakfast in the morning. One […]

Virologist Predicts Imminent ‘Tsunami of Death’ Among COVID Vaccinated “What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems.” By vnninfluencers This article originally appeared on Infowars and was republished with permission. World-renowned Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche issued a grave warning of an imminent […]

Even in spite of the evidence that masks don’t work, and in spite of the evidence that Covid is now a pandemic of the vaccinated, lunatic Michael Baker is just pushing the mask-and-jab message with evangelistic zeal. here’s NZDSOS with more…MH New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science Image […]


Note: The following item relates to Steve Kirsch sharing the data first published by Liz Gunn regarding NZ’s excess death figures. Liz’s expose as reposted here embedded below, and also Steve’s article on the same: Martin It’s time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health […]

I believe you have made a very serious mistake that is costing lives. Why not publish the anonymized record-level data just to be sure? Steve Kirsch STEVE KIRSCH 17/11/2023 To the New Zealand Ministry of Health: I read with great interest this “AAP fact check” article which states “NZ health […]

Pressure is growing on the government and the medical establishment to act responsibly to inform the public of risks, end vaccine promotion and repudiate the proposed WHO international health preparedness accord. By Guy Hatchard This article is also available as a PDF document to print/download and share. You can also listen to an […]
