Mars: Scientists have found reservoirs of water at depths of 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20 km) in the Martian crust. These reservoirs could contain enough water to fill oceans across the planet. Martin Harris 15/11/24 In other words, everyone from science fiction writers (HG Wells, Ray Bradbury…) and early […]

Close scrutiny of a famous 1972 Apollo Mission photo reveals some extraordinary structures on the moon near Copernicus crater: A row of partially buried and apparently artificial wheel-like structures, seemingly part of a derelict machine of colossal proportions. Zooming in: Look closely at the centre of the view. Let’s isolate […]

While some believe we never went to the Moon, I believe we did go, but what’s there is covered up. Fantastic collection of videos, stills and testimony here from Tyler at Secureteam10. MH secureteam102.04M subscribersSUBSCRIBED➨ Merch: http://www.secureteamtees.com – Use UFBRO123 for 10% Off ➨Tyler’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/secureteamtyler ➨FULL Press Conference vid: […]

The sheep won’t find this content through the wafflefest Institution of (soft brain, fit-for-use) TV News. by G Squared Being ‘informed’ in the ‘Information Age’ [sic] is a proactive experience involving rational and critical thought. Pavlovian cliches, couched in syllogistic logic and ideological baggage are nauseous to us ‘conspiracy theorists’. The […]
