Watching the Mid Terms unfold in the US, I have heard Biden warn “Democracy is at stake” ad-infinitum through the MSM. Strange message when the Mid-Terms are a democratic process. Sounds like a message born of desperation to me. As predicted, as usual, it’s always “too close to call”. Such […]
New World Order
Its increasingly difficult to tell the difference these days, so yes, this IS satire. However, we’re tempted to pitch it to Biden’s campaign team and see if they run with it! MH The Babylon Bee released a new campaign ad for Joe Biden
Ardern said, “the world is watching New Zealand” and she was right, but for the wrong reasons! Martin Harris 6/11/22 Not so sure about Morris’s claim “the WEF is winning” as New Zealanders have made their feeling felt and our government has lost its support in a huge way. The […]
Pick a search engine. Pick a topic. You’ll get many tens of thousands, possibly millions, of results. Or so they say. But how many results do you really get? It looks like the internet is slowly dying. Martin Harris 3/11/22 I remember the days when I would take a deep […]
Well, we’re finally there: stocks are officially trading off nuclear war headlines. Tyler Durden – Zero Oct 28, 2022 Moments ago, as part of his closely-watched speech, Vladimir Putin appeared to talk down the likelihood of a nuclear attack in Ukraine: *PUTIN: NO POLITICAL, MILITARY REASON IN NUKE STRIKE […]
“The Western goal is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our nation. They are openly stating that, since they managed to break up the Soviet Union in 1991, now it’s time to split Russia into many separate regions that will be at each other’s throats.” Russian President Vladimir Putin Mike […]
Coming to your neighborhood soon if it succeeds in the UK. Welcome to the next stage of the Surveillance State. I see more protests on the way. MH From Reclaim The Net If the city goes through with plans, motorists might need special permits and open themselves up to more surveillance […]
Some great news from Reclaim the Net. Is Alberta seeing the light? I’d like to believe so. a genuine apology would be a great start! MH “WE ARE NOT QR CODES”During the United Conservative party’s annual general meeting, Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is seeking legal advice on pardoning Canadians […]
The New Normal. Build Back Better. The Great Reset. It all amounts to the same thing: The New World Order. And it is all taking shape according to plan. Editor’s comment 25/10/22 This morning, 25 October 2022 in NZ time, the UK announced its new PM. After the insanity of […]