Please share widely to bring attention to the plight of the citizens of Shanghai. The CCP is evil. Visit the channel. Like, comment and help the algorythm. Thanks. MH 《四月之声》英文字幕版 CDT has added English subtitles to the original Chinese video for more readers to watch. Original Video:

The number of black Americans murdered has jumped by 32 per cent, with experts blaming the rise on cops not patrolling high crime areas thanks to Black Lives Matter-endorsed “defund the police” activism. by Paul Joseph Watson Summit News | Apr 25, 2022 “The number of black Americans murdered in 2020 jumped by […]

So far, this man has had a stellar record for accuracy. There’s no reason to doubt him now. If Trump were still President the Ukraine situation would have played out very differently. There would, I think, have been deals made without war or bloodshed (ie profits for the war-profiteers) and […]

Just coincidence folks. Nothing to see here, don’t ask questions. Move along…MH Tyler DurdenZeroHedgeSat, 23 Apr 202 The bodies of two Russian oligarchs were found dead alongside their wives and children just one day apart, according to a handful of media reports. The first was Vladislav Avayev, formerly vice president of Gazprombank. […]

Must listen to this guy talk! Excellent info on the Azovstal, Ukraine situation. MH Russia offers Azovstal final chance to surrender. ‘Foreign fighter’ trials coming soon. Update 1 Alex Christoforou88.4K subscribers Russia offers Azovstal final chance to surrender. ‘Foreign fighter’ trials coming soon. Update 1 Topic 500
