Excellent interview by Mike Whitney of CIA vet Larry C. Johnson Mike Whitney – The Unz Review March 21, 2022 Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson– Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, […]

Russia has reportedly used hypersonic missiles in combat against Ukraine last week, marking the first known use of the new superweapons in combat by any military. “US officials confirmed to CNN that Russia launched hypersonic missiles against Ukraine last week, the first known use of such missiles in combat,” CNN reported. […]

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and the consequent economic embargo of Moscow by the West is the largest upheaval in world politics since at least the end of the Cold War. The result will be a complete reformatting of the country’s foreign economic relations and its economic model, as well as Russia and the […]

Russell Brand was recently declared a “Conspiracy theorist” by the UK MSM. I guess that makes him officially one of us? Brand certainly seems to be wide awake these days. MH Russell Brand5.29M subscribers With calls for a no-fly zone in Ukraine as well as a massive increase in arms […]

THIS IS WHAT OUR MSM ISN’T SHOWING US! The Donbass republic’s officials have said that at least 17 people were killed in the shelling RTMon, 14 Mar 2022 A Tochka-U ballistic missile was launched into Donetsk, the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), on Monday, officials said. The reported […]

Who do you believe, what do you believe? Is this “fake news”? If so, why not expose it as such instead of stamping it Censored! Here you go: We aren’t called “Uncensored” for nothing. MH Irnieracing Reports 20.9K subscribers Russia News has been banned across Europe by the UN, and […]
