Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister – New Zealand Dear Jacinda, I write this letter as a patriotic Kiwi with best intentions for my country and for the future health and welfare of my fellow Kiwis. You have a very difficult job at this moment in time. There can be no doubt […]

The Government Is Proceeding with Non-essential Legislation at Breakneck Speed No doubt you saw Andrew Little’s comments about forging ahead with hate speech legislation to get it passed before this year’s general election. He told Stuff.co.nz that “The review of our hate speech laws are in the final stages. I expect there will […]

Snuck through under the radar: Horrific NZ Abortion Amendment Act. Thanks to JoBloggz for sharing this blog While the rest of the world’s governments are dealing with Covid-19, the NZ government pushed through the Abortion Amendment Act a priority.  It’s an extreme abortion bill that there’s no public mandate for […]

In 1979 scientist Eric Spurr warned that wide scale poisoning of New Zealand with compound 1080, intended to kill introduced mammals, was actually killing kea and many other animals. It took decades before NZ’s Department of Conservation (DoC) finally began to monitor kea deaths from 1080 poisoning. Dr Jo Pollard, […]
