More Than One Hundred Retired U.S. Generals and Admirals Call Into Question The Legitimacy Of Biden’s Election Win Introduction – May 13, 2021 From the truthseeker As reported below, more than one hundred former U.S. Generals and Admirals have signed a letter calling into question the authenticity of Biden’s election […]

Virus warfare’ in China: military documents Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic, outlining their ideas in a document that predicted a “third world war would be fought with biological weapons”. from Ben Vidgen A document written by Chinese scientists and Chinese public […]

President Biden’s first joint address to Congress was the biggest WARNING any progressive has ever given about their true plans. This was a carefully-crafted trap that we must make sure we understand. Let me run through what I believe he set up, the shocking thing he told the press before […]

Huxley would be taking his life into his hands if he openly called for eugenics, so he called the movement instead environmentalism. Genocide is a Keystone of Globalism COVID VACCINES ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & COULD WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE (DR VERNON COLEMAN) Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines […]

Ecce nova facio omnia -Rev 21:5 by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop (excerpts by original is five times this length The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture … of a … disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds…  It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening – the […]

The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]

“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa TheCrowhouse  51499 subscribers  http://thecrowhouse.comTheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored: https://… Support The Crowhouse: bc1q8cjrfzjwzr6z5maxvp4d2p6arwtguj5c9fcea7Monero: 47aohp7p1Ci7uU44NqgpezLVG7uxCuo1dSwGBYv935aVDPw9MSeEwksey5MJRyBU7jQfHtPjcTN5b2zo29MXnpzu7h751cB Melbourne scientists create first artificial human embryo out of skin cells Would you eat an insect burger? Amazon One […]
