Following the trend of using blatant lies like the 97% consensus claim, the Globalist players continue to hoodwink the Mainstream Media with easily debunkable figures. Read on…MH The leading media worldwide cranked up the volume when it spread the news of how a statement had been published in the journal […]

God help us all. The health effects and societal concerns over 5G have barely had any robust scrutiny. It may be years or decades before the health repercussions of this technology are truly known, and we should all be concerned about the Police-State, mass-surveillance aspect. But before we’ve even hd […]

The EU became The UK’s biggest nightmare in contemporary history because of two events. by G Squared 29/10/19 Firstly: It was taken into the trap through The Common Market, which would naturally creep and power maximize into The EU under, the dictatorship of appointed and unelected, unaccountable and non-transparent Commissioners. […]

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden wants to come home, just not into the waiting arms of a fear-based system of “turnkey tyranny” that has mushroomed with the rise of smartphones, he told talk show host Joe Rogan. Americans might believe the government cleaned up its act after Snowden revealed the NSA’s […]
