Transhumanism is creeping up on us. What was dystopian science fiction only a couple of decades ago is now reality, but where will it lead? Here’s Pam Vernon with more: August 17, 2019 Pam Vernon Warming you to the idea of compulsory of course. First we heard of these it […]
David Icke has been telling us about the Elite Pedos for decades now. Labelled as a lunatic by the mainstream, but he was of course right all along. David Icke Published on Aug 15, 2019 Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey […]
Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist from Rocklin, California, recently discovered via a Freedom of Information Act that a government-supported research program at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was experimenting on children as young as 8 years old with cross-sex hormones. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who runs the Los Angeles study, […]
A network of “shared access” surveillance cameras with facial recognition capability is on the way amid well-founded privacy concerns. Here comes the Police State: Big Brother is watching you, and so are all his mates! From Radio New Zealand: .”..Any new cameras installed in Auckland will have automated processing abilities, […]
Yet again the warnings about 2030 Agenda have proven valid. We blogged about the forthcoming pack & stack homes a few years back, and now, as Pam Vernon reports, we have more confirmation: The slums of the future are here! A NZ Herald article tells us we have 34,500 homes […]
Back in 2015, onstage at the annual CPAC conference, Trump said something very interesting about Bill Clinton. “Nice guy,” he said. “Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein. Lot of problems.” Michael Van Der Galien – PJ Media July 10, […]
Must Read! From Vicky Davis at The Technocratic Tyranny, with my humble thanks. Superb research and detail. MH Rise of the Socialist International Posted By: Vicky Davis The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is to be able to prove what is being said by providing the […]
zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]
We’ve been reporting the agenda for years, and now it’s formalized. Post-quake Christchurch belongs to the UN New World Order. How so? Martin Harris 2/8/19 Immediately after the 2011 quake that devastated the CBD and large portions of the Eastern suburbs, the government stepped in and purchased the “Red Zone” […]
The British government is planning a new initiative which will aim to help schoolchildren distinguish real information from ‘fake news’ — in an eyebrow-raising move which could be described as a little bit Orwellian. RT – July 15, 2019 British Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds unveiled the new […]