4June by Jon Rappoport Who’s destroying England? London attacks and the war against Brexit NOTE: Watch Paul Watson’s shocking video, The Truth about ‘Refugees’ by Jon Rappoport June 4, 2017 “Here’s a great idea, boys. Gather around. We’re going to build, on top of every national government on the […]
police state
The Guardian Mark Brown Paddy Ashdown has said he sees horrifying parallels between 1930s Germany and what is happening in the post-referendum UK. The former Liberal Democrats leader told the Hay festival in Wales on Tuesday that he feared for his country, with a huge number of people […]
Found this interesting as I’ve always been sceptical of the whole “we found his passport at the scene” routine, for obvious reasons. I’ll let the article do the talking: By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, May 27, 2017 This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror […]
The following article was sent to me by Email from a contact, “Jack”. As with all controversial material, we ask the reader to do their research, apply logic and discretion, evaluate critically, and follow Uncensored’s motto “Think For Yourself”. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the author’s conclusions […]
This is disgusting. Australia has truly surrendered it’s freedom of choice: Thursday, May 18, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. Tags: Australia, Vaccine injuries, vaccines https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-05-18-australian-parents-who-dont-vaccinate-their-children-will-be-fined-14-per-week-by-the-authoritarian-regime.html (Natural News) If you live in Australia and want to exercise your right not to vaccinate your kids, you’d better be prepared to pay for that […]
Sent to myself (Martin H.) via Email from “Jack”: “The N.W.O. police state is accelerating at an enormous pace, coming down on us all like a freight train (instigated by the CIA and NSA, that as we know, as you explain in your book, are both now controlled from […]
Some anonymous coward has dobbed in a well known TV personality for speaking his mind. Yet, every day in the media, we have far more serious blasphemies and affronts to human decency going on without anyone batting an eyelid. I’m a Christian, and I could easily counter and debate Fry’s […]
Cartels of the mind: the free individual returns May3 by Jon Rappoport Cartels of the Mind: the free individual returns by Jon Rappoport May 3, 2017 “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open […]
Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State Paul Craig Roberts When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, […]
The MSM Comedy Hour never ends. Murdoch just advised that Fox News is doing great. While down at CNN they ran footage of Chinese soldiers, in Chinese uniforms, with Chinese weapons, boarding a Chinese helicopter, and said they were American Marines. They have Fact Checkers as well as armies of […]