Rise of the machines? If the Terminator had a pet, it might look like one of these horrors. Is this the future policeman? The future soldier? Scary…..
police state
By Nolan Peterson It’s cold, and I’m alone. I walk along Khreshchatyk, this city’s main boulevard. The street lights cast shadows on the ground, concealing patches of slippery ice and trampled snow. I walk thoughtfully and carefully, unable to clearly see the obstacles in my path. As is so often […]
Soldiers could be cured of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by erasing memories of disturbing events, scientists believe. Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered that individual memories are encoded in just a few cells of the brain, and hope they will be able to switch them off using drugs. Figures […]
From Morning Report, 7:50 am on 15 February 2017 Share this Security guards must now stop anyone trying to enter a Work and Income office if they don’t have ID. The changes are part of a new government policy being rolled out after two staff members were shot and killed at the […]
Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of “keeping us safe” or “promoting […]
June 19, 2012 TheHill.Com Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said he would introduce legislation this week that would block what he said are the Obama administration’s unilateral plans to involve itself militarily with Syria. Ron Paul Speaks in Opposition to Intervention in Syria on House Floor CongressmanRonPaul June 18, […]
“A rare compilation of 9/11 footage. A recorded History of the day’s events, as it happened” – “9 years after the attacks we are finally zeroing in on the people responsible.” – Resistance Radio Network’s original sound byte used for this video: https://911blogger.com/news/2010-11-16/kevin-ryan-911-context-thursday-resistance-radio-network Firefighters for 9/11 Truth Debunk Assange with […]
Updated: February 17, 2011 “In order to bring about a global governance structure, real or imaginary global problems have to be created (Hegelian dialectic). The cards they are playing to undermine the sovereignty of nation states and centralize power are: global terrorism, global warming, and global economic crisis” “How the […]
https://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=10089 The terrorists in the federal government are continuing their push to have a fully functioning martial law apparatus. The city of Denver was recently invaded by a large number of military helicopters without any sort of warning given to the general public. It was originally speculated that this training […]