The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]

As Ardern becomes a “close contact” and goes into hiding, we get this joyous and wonderful piece of information; A new political poll shows Jacinda Ardern’s approval ratings have dropped again, her lowest result since the ratings were first measured in October 2019. A pool of eligible voters were asked […]

A handy if frightening resource the next time you engage in debate about the honesty of our leader and her Government. Thanks to Guy Hatchard for this compilation and research. Martin by Guy Hatchard The Government should be your single source of truth September 4th 2020 PM Jacinda Ardern in […]

Force is a tool used by those who lack power. When your motives go against the good of humanity, when your intentions fail to support life itself, your only option is to use force. Force includes all manner of fear-mongering, manipulation, coercion and violence. Force may work up to a […]

The following statement from NZ Human Rights Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt, was communicated to protestors at the Wellington Freedom and Rights Coalition march on December 16 2021 after receiving feedback from FRC representatives and a meeting with Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki. December 16, 2021 By Paul Hunt, Chief Human […]
