“Racism exists, but it is not welcome here. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. Violence, and extremism in all its forms, is not welcome here.” Jacinda Ardern, March 2019, Christchurch. But is this a case of […]
A couple of great and very perceptive but contrasting perspectives on the current agenda to integrate Te Reo with the English language in New Zealand-Aotearoa, plus my own comments. MH. When is Te Reo Maori not Te Reo & Rednecks Are Right – If But For The Wrong Reasons. by […]
Anyone with a few research skills will quickly learn that EVs are not the “clean green” alternative that they are claimed to be, but the Labour government wants us purchasing them nevertheless. But is charging a fee on buying your next petrol car to fund rebates for buyers of EVs […]
One Nation Party co-founder David Ettridge has just released his latest book titled ABOVE THE LAW which exposes a long list of what he describes as deliberate errors by the DPP and Crown Law that led to his imprisonment with Pauline Hanson in 2003. MEDIA RELEASEJune 23rd 2021. ‘I accuse […]
“It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”– President Abraham Lincoln By Dr Muriel Newman, NZCPR When Jacinda Ardern […]
In their report Towards a Better Democracy, the 1986 Labour Government’s Royal Commission into the Electoral System, not only recommended changing our voting system to MMP, but they raised a number of other important constitutional matters. by Dr. Muriel Newman https://www.nzcpr.com/ One that is particularly relevant to our present situation – […]
Some wise advice for NZ via the normally pro-China MSM! MH (…and please don’t misunderstand me: In ways we’re picking the lesser of two evils to side with the Five Eyes community, but don’t know about you, dear reader, but I’d trade with Aussie over China any day!) Australia should […]
Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director-General of Health and Chris Sue Grey RE PFIZER VACCINE “COMIRNATY” RE BREACHES OF MEDICINES ACT, MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE CLAIMS and OTHER MATTERS I represent a large number of New Zealanders who are extremely concerned about apparent legal breaches and misleading and deceptive representations in the […]
We all know politicians engage in propaganda. But most don’t admit it. Posted on March 7, 2021By Dr Muriel Newman Not so Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Desperate to avoid allegations of mismanagement over Auckland’s bungled lockdowns, she began lashing out, claiming individuals have been knowingly spreading the virus – including a young man who’d […]
Really. He wrote this in 1992, shortly after George Bush announced the New World Order as his “fifth objective” in 1991. Imagine my surprise when a Wall Street Journal editorial appointed me dean of the Pat Buchanan school of neo-isolationism. My credentials? Believing that the Pentagon’s new strategy — America […]