In the aftermath of the most recent attacks by Antifa terrorists against conservative groups in Portland, Oregon, some Democrats are now proclaiming that Antifa is actually just a misunderstood, “peaceful” group of resisting patriots that’s merely trying to “safeguard” the city of Portland against far-right Nazis. (Natural News) According to […]
Due to the declassification and release of a trove of documents late in the week, the Hillary email story has gone hot again. Source: As I shared a few days ago, we now have confirmation of what we heard from sources several months ago, namely that every email on […]
Idiocy plummets to new depths. Is there any end to this madness? Well, not if we remain complacent and allow it to happen. Terrible things are going on in this world and we’re so dumbed down we’re wringing hands over TV ads allegedly promoting “harmful” stereotypes. And the second point: […]
Focus on the Clinton body count list and “Omen-like” bizarre death scenarios from G Squared. Makes you wonder how the media can get away with all the focus on Trump (who cut ties with Epstein years ago and only flew on his jet once in the mid 90’s) Here’s G […]
Creepy Uncle Joe strikes again… Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden forcefully grabbed a young woman’s arm on Thursday after she pressed him about how many genders exist and Biden seemed unable to provide an adequate response. Ryan SaavedraDaily WireFri, 09 Aug 2019 02:05 UTC © ABC NewsDemocratic presidential candidate Joe […]
“Video Not Available”, says YouTube! At least, in my neck o’ the woods. See screenshot above. We have ways and means though, so here’s what the Left don’t want you to see: The Daily Wire Published on Aug 9, 2019 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos everyday. When the […]
Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, the Dayton shooter appears to have held views opposite to those of the El Paso gunman from hours earlier. A now-suspended account, allegedly his own, implies he was a die-hard leftist. RT – Aug 5, 2019 Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, […]
Is Roberts correct in singling out the Democrats as the “bad guys”, or is this the same old diversionary two-party, one controller illusion? Paul Craig Roberts – July 25, 2019 Earlier today I posted my comments with links to the congressional questioning of Mueller about his report that, despite […]
On Wednesday, Project Veritas released a video interview of a Google senior software engineer coming forward to sound the alarm over the impact of political bias at the search engine giant. Within a few hours, Google placed the engineer on administrative leave. By James Barrett July 25, 2019 “Greg Coppola, […]
‘The Squad’ is the term to which the four FemDem Gynocratic arrogant, ignorant buffoons refer to themselves. Sen. John Kennedy (Dem turned GOP) refers to them as The Four Horsewomen of The Apocalypse, and the reason why detailed instructions need to appear on shampoo bottles. by G Squared 24/7/19 They […]