Sweden has… SCRAPPED climate taxes on fuels.They SCRAPPED Agenda 2030 goals from government directives.  They SCRAPPED renewable energy goals, will focus more on nuclear power.  Going AGAINST cashless agenda looking at forcing shops to accept physical cash. Good news! petersweden.substack.com/p/huge-sweden-… BUT… Is nuclear power such a great thing? Chernobyl, Fukushima and […]

Douglas Murray holds nothing back: Watch and learn! MH Modern Wisdom Bonus vid: Why the Term “White Privilege” is Revolting – Douglas Murray The Equiano Project Douglas Murray is an author and journalist based in Britain. His latest publication is the international bestseller, The War On The West. His previous book, The […]

Sunday Triple Treat: education, entertainment and news updates selected from our YT surfing. Enjoy! Martin Climate the Movie Mar 23, 2024 The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson. NYC […]
