A leaked email last night dramatically indicated that the UN’s poison gas watchdog had butchered and censored a critical report on an alleged chemical attack in Syria. Peter HitchensDailymail.co.ukSun, 24 Nov 2019 11:41 UTC If substantiated, the revelations will be severely embarrassing for Britain, France and America, which launched a […]
Either it’s a master stroke or a master hoax. Who remembers the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden? by Martin Harris Yes, the demise of Bin Laden was a murky tale if ever there was one! The “fog of war” changing story, the lack of a corpse to identify (“burial […]
And what about the oil? A win for the Deep State also? by Martin Harris 25/10/19 Three years ago, I wrote a short commentary on the Syria situation with regards to the role of the new-at-the-time president, Donald Trump. This author expressed a combination of relief (imagine how a Hillary […]
A wealth of fascinating commentary on the geopolitical situation from the ever perceptive G Squared! A civil war fuelled by India, is pending in Bangladesh, where tens of millions will die. Prime Minister Sheikh Hansina, daughter of Mujibar Rahman, has unilaterally, with the connivance of President Abdul Hamid, signed three […]
Listen to the tantrums from the Elites! Trump shows that he’s made of the “right stuff” by terminating one of their money-spinning, “endless” wars. Here’s RT’s take on the situation: RTMon, 07 Oct 2019 12:33 UTC Give the man his Nobel peace prize already. Heck, if O’bomber got it… It’s […]
Israeli PM and acting defense chief Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the capabilities of his air force a day after IDF jets endangered two civilian flights while carrying out Christmas Day strikes against ‘Iranian targets’ in Syria. https://www.rt.com/news/447481-netanyahu-air-force-syria-iran/ Israeli PM and acting defense chief Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the capabilities of […]
Well, this one woke everyone up: Republicans, Dems, friends and foes alike are all doing double-takes, but while most US MSM sources seem to miss the “plot”, Al Jazeera considers some likely factors in Trump’s shock announcement: Declaration of ISIL defeat in Syria and pulling out of troops angers top […]
Syria missile strikes: based on what evidence? Open letter to EU boss, Jean-Claude Juncker: yes, break up the US by Jon Rappoport May 24, 2018 “There is a line that governments cross. When they reach a certain size, and when they are exerting enough control, they turn around and tell […]
We have been advised by US Military and Government Actors, including Lt.Gen.Kenneth McKenzie Jr., Director of The Joint Chiefs of Staff; that on 14/4/2018, a combined American, British and French military force, using air and sea platforms based in The Red Sea, The Persian Gulf, and The East Mediterranean, fired […]
Russian warships loaded with tanks have been spotted leaving Turkish waters headed for Syria. It comes as the world awaits Vladimir Putin’s response to airstrikes on Assad’s chemical weapons programme carried out by the US, UK and France.