Starshield satellites can operate as a swarm in low orbits, offering the most pervasive real-time surveillance of human beings in history. These ‘low orbit satellite swarms’ are what we call drones. Karen Kingston Dec 28, 2024 December 27, 2024: With the recent news buzz about the unverified drones hovering over towns and military […]

Mega-bank JP Morgan gearing up to launch broad biometric payment system that will be made available to all retailers Leo HohmannLeo’s NewsletterTue, 21 May 2024  Mega-bank JPMorgan Chase is planning to rollout a biometric payment system and make it available to all U.S. retailers by early next year. This will […]

Breaking insights into what the United States’ stance is towards China and the CCP’s efforts to collect, track, and edit the genome of every human being. You may be shocked by the evidence discussed. KAREN KINGSTONMAY 4 May 3, 2024: Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to ‘improve […]

Here is an excerpt from a superb paper on Technocratic manipulations during the Covid pandemic exercise. Link to the full article below. Martin 2 authors, including:Daniel BroudyOkinawa Christian University “Once the clouds of hysteria and confusion began to settle and the contours of a “New Normal” started taking shape, Big […]
