The night is long and the price is high. Jon Rappoport – No More Fake News Aug 4, 2020 I imagine Trump stepping up to a microphone saying, “Yes, the GDP just dropped through the floor, and the economy is a wreck, but here’s the good news. Operation War Seed, […]
President Trump on Thursday evening broadened his attack on widespread mail-in voting, warning that it could delay the results of the presidential election. Steven NelsonNew York PostThu, 30 Jul 2020 “Must know Election results on the night of the Election, not days, months, or even years later!” Trump tweeted. Hours earlier, […]
When a fact doesn’t correspond by it running contrary to liberal narrative: it has to be a lie. So ‘Fact Checker’ [sic] Glenn Kessler of the meaningless Fourth Estate Washington Post calls out Barr as a Liar. by G Squared 31/7/20 Subsequently: last Tuesday: Barr released indisputable FACTS that some […]
Biden is protected by brain doubles as HRC used the two body doubles. (…about which I wrote in 2016, and subsequently.) by G Squared 24/6/20 When Trump cleared Minneapolis, there were a number of arrests. The bails for which were met by The Biden Campaign Account. Trump cleared Washington. Subsequently […]
There have been several attempts, particularly since 2014, to push The US into a direct hot war. Initially with Russia. Then with China. A scenario for the benefit of many. Except those of the millions of fodder, who are devastated, injured, and die. by G Squared 11/6/20 During The Clinton […]
Todd Muller, the new National party leader got a verbal bashing in New Zealand for owning a Trump hat. It’s politically incorrect. So what? It’s better than those pink pussy hats worn by women protesting Trump’s inauguration. by Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning We should worry more about the things […]
Media Bias attracts Presidential wrath. Time Social Media platforms stopped slapping “fact check” stamps on everything they disagree with! MH Fox NewsThu, 28 May 2020 Trump will sign an executive order on social media on Thursday, the White House said. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday she could […]
US President Donald Trump At a press briefing just moments ago, (as of Monday) U.S President Donald Trump confirmed that Obama Gate (#ObamaGate) is real. On Mother’s Day, Trump sent out a series of tweets, creating a twitter storm over the hashtag Obama Gate, which later Twitter openly suppressed. Joaquin FloresFRNMon, […]
Good old fashioned non-COVID political comment from correspondent G Squared: Flynn was just exonerated. Manafort, Gates, and Stone were also wrongly convicted by ‘The Crooked Cops’ of The FBI, The Deep State Garbage of The DOJ, and their bench partners in crime. The fraudulent chase for Concord Management and thirteen […]
President Donald Trump on Monday showed reporters at the White House press briefing a video of their own reporting on the coronavirus, pointing out their failures and his success. Charlie SpieringBreitbartTue, 14 Apr 2020 20:23 UTC “We have a few clips that we’re just going to put up, we could […]