In this analysis, John Pilger looks back over the Chavez years in Venezuela, including his own travels with Hugo Chavez, and the current US and European campaign to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in a ‘coup by media’ and to return Latin America to the 19th and 20th centuries. John Pilgerjohnpilger.comThu, 21 […]
The backlash and legal action against the Emergency Declaration has begun, and of course Trump fully expected it. He seems to be constantly one step ahead: Will it be any different this time? The president did make the Border Wall a major election promise, and he seems determined, by hook […]
This is major stuff. I’m hearing China and UN agendas all over this emergency declaration! For the moment I’m putting up the address itself via YT, and in due course we’ll follow up with more material and some thoughts and comments. Martin Golden State Times Published on Feb 15, 2019 […]
The US was in breach of the INF treaty for years, the Russia’s defense ministry told the summoned US diplomat, calling on the US to destroy cruise missile launchpads, target-missiles and attack drones to return to INF compliance. RTThu, 07 Feb 2019 17:07 UTC The Russian side suggested that the […]
Trump postponing SOTU was not recommended. The upstart now believing she won a power play gambit, will become even more insufferable. The loons are not playing with a full deck. For a generation of concerted effort, after manipulation into feminese psychology and the liberal arts of stupidity, emerged by weaponizing […]
A 21 day reprieve President Trump said Friday that he will support a short-term spending bill to re-open the government, temporarily ending the partial government shutdown that has dragged on for more than a month — despite a day earlier saying Republicans would not “cave” on his demands for funding […]
Sarsour is CIA handler (oops: delete that) of Omar, Tlaib, and Sandy Clueless. All one hit wonders. No less than US puppet Tymoshenko or the absurd ‘Chicciolina’ Ilona Staller. The enduring shame rests with the terminal grand fools who voted them in. Who didn’t know that The Donkey Party and […]
With the controversy over family separations, much of the political rhetoric in recent weeks has focused on illegal immigration. We thought it would be helpful to take a step back and look at some measures of illegal immigration in a larger context. The Wire Illegal Immigration Statistics By Lori Robertson Update, […]
“The Rothschilds emerged, controlling All Vatican Finances (to this day) and controlling The Jesuits. The prior Papal and French Monarchy War against The Templars, in 1314, had them loot the resources of The Templars. The thieves in turn being robbed…” Trump, as CiC, visited some of The War Zones expanded […]
Analysis: What really went down today. MUST WATCH! First here’s the full presidential address: Trump at his best! Now here’s the breakdown from BCP, who give a simple common sense interpretation (at least I my opinion; let us know if you think otherwise!) CALM DOWN! HERE ARE THE REAL REASONS WHY TRUMP OFFERED DACA […]