Ukraine seems to have slipped from the news cycle here in New Zealand where forthcoming elections take centre-stage. We aren’t the only place where a change of government might just signal a change in the storyline. A very worried Zelensky is losing friends rapidly. Here’s some indications that “Article 88” […]
As the world remembers the collapse of the WTC back in 9/11 2001, and regardless of what you believe about who was responsible or how and why, we also remember Trump’s uncanny “prediction” that hints at reality being not quite what it seems. How did he know? (A while back […]
The greatest mugshot of all time? It seems all publicity is good publicity for Trump. Meanwhile Maddow claims “Jail or dictatorship” are the alternatives. Entertaining and insightful comment from Brand as the US election machine gears up! Our publisher Brian offers a preferable alternative to Trump’s imprisonment: They look great […]
While Republicans debate for the top job, the real leader in terms of poll results, Donald Trump, bypassed the debate in favor of a Tucker Carlson interview! Smart move.
Russell Brand discusses the latest events Stateside Uncensored on Rumble, with a great analysis on the Trump indictment situation. Worth watching for the severely delusional Hillary Clinton. TRUMP INDICTMENT BOMBSHELL: Patrick Bet-David REACTS LIVE! – Stay Free TODAY – Our special guest is Patrick Bet-David, entrepreneur and host of ‘Valuetainment’, […]
This woman is a cool-headed and exceptionally lucid communicator. Trump couldn’t have picked a better lawyer! 271,290 views Aug 6, 2023 #TrumpIndictment#AlinaHabba#DonaldTrump Watch more BlazeTV here: ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! ► Join BlazeTV!
Trump is going to jail. Again and again and again. here’s Hal Turner’s perspective, which given past history with Trump turning every attempt to thwart him to his advantage, is most likely to be correct. See NTD’s live coverage below and we’ll find out! Martin The Deep State and Democrat […]
Trump had some secret documents stashed at home, what a naughty boy. The media are going bananas over this, (not a peep about Joe’s stash mind you) but while they’re certain (again) that’s he’s off to jail, none of them are discussing why he had those documents or what their […]
Friday. Another loopy week in the world headlines is over. Here’s some light relief via the Babylon Bee! Trump indicted for keeping classified documents at Mar-A-Lago instead of somewhere secure – like the trunk of a Corvette Former President Donald Trump has officially been indicted by the federal government on […]
DeSantis launch failure generated a lot of mockery! Actually, this item is fan made parody, not Trump’s work, but it’s damned funny. Even funnier is the Left are suggesting this is a credible “deepfake”. I guess they can no longer distinguish the difference between satire and reality. Brought that upon […]