Pentagon up to its usual shady shenanigans in other words. Exactly what’s being obscured by this latest UFO disclosure game is unclear (hardly surprisingly) but everyone has their ear to the ground and an eye on the sky. MH Pentagon ‘unable’ to confirm or deny discovery of materials originating from […]
Cast your mind back to Donald Trump’s time in office. He made an awful lot of big announcements. One of those was the announcement of the creation of a US Space Force. Some claimed that Trump’s Space Force was merely the public face of something that already existed and involved […]
The capacity of a modern economy to produce food and goods for its citizens, and weapon and fuel supplies for its military to project power, are the undeniable twin pillars of global power. Both depend on reasonably priced and readily available energy. Donn Dears Via theBFD Almost 80% of […]
Aliens or China? What in the name of God is going on in America? Sott.netMon, 13 Feb 2023 Following last week’s comically bizarre ‘Chinese Spy Balloon Shoot-down’, this weekend the Pentagon declared that it shot down two MORE ‘Chinese balloons’ over Alaska and Canada, and that it scrambled fighter jets […]
Close scrutiny of a famous 1972 Apollo Mission photo reveals some extraordinary structures on the moon near Copernicus crater: A row of partially buried and apparently artificial wheel-like structures, seemingly part of a derelict machine of colossal proportions. Zooming in: Look closely at the centre of the view. Let’s isolate […]
We suspect Tyler at Secureteam10 has been reading Uncensored! Looks like we are on the same page with the brewing Blue Beam False Flag alien threat scenario. MH Secureteam10 is the top news source online for Coverage of ALL things Strange & Unknown happening on and off of Planet Earth. […]
Beneath the front-page news of Covid, Ukraine, and the economic depression (Collectively part of The Great Reset) something more sensational and troubling has been brewing. And it involves an alleged potential extra-terrestrial threat. We know it as Project Blue Beam, the “Last Card”. by Martin Harris 29/8/22 The ball started […]
Take a good look at the image, and if you can explain this apparent lunar artificial object, please let us know! I was alerted to this amazing photo by way of a video posted on Secureteam10 YT channel (see below). Never taking anything for granted, I looked up the source […]
Is this the best UFO channel on YouTube? I think so. Back before Roswell and Bob Lazar changed the focus of Ufological research, ordinary people were having Close encounters with the extraordinary. Now their stories are being rescued from obscurity for a new audience. This author has been passionate about […]
Grab your popcorn! Is our moon really a “Death Star”? We may be about to find out… Readers with good memories will recall a number of articles we’ve presented on the topic of lunar anomalies. Heck, the moon is an anomaly in itself. At one sixth the size of Earth […]