Dirty “Joe The Molester” Biden is now lying about the economics of Coronavirus. Opinion by G Squared The fellow who publicly touches up young girls and sucks his wife’s fingers. Just ‘Hands on Joe’ according to The FemLoon Pitt of ‘The View’. Did The Spanish Flu (started in a French […]
The Bankrupt US needed to settle its accounts to avoid derivative domestic civil unrests that would destroy the continuum of illusions. The real cost to The US to maintain the populist delusions of a nonexistent empire based on deceptions of nonexistant economic and military prowess. by G Squared The US was […]
There are many who accuse U.S. President Donald Trump of “wagging the dog” when it comes to the recent bombing that killed Al Quds commander Qassem Soleimani due to the fact he is facing impeachment. Aaron Kesel – Renegade Tribune Jan 11, 2020 There are many who accuse U.S. President […]
The big picture scenario as seen by G Squared. The first strike fixed. The second against The Iraqi Contingent did not occur. Israel was immediately blocked from flying over Iraq. The USAF was blocked over Syria by Russian control of the guidance systems after its War Crimes of Ghouta and […]
When he sought the presidency, we were warned he’d lead us all into nuclear annihilation. Now he’s being hammered for being a peacemaker. Apparently restraint and peace is “un-American”. Opinion by Martin Harris Even as our Left-Wing mainstream media here in New Zealand try to put a negative spin on […]
In a move which might seem asinine to some, several Wisconsin cities have completely banned throwing snowballs in public. By Jack Burns One of those cities, Wausau, WI stated residents who throw snowballs on public roads, streets, sidewalks, and public property will be cited and face a monetary fine if […]
The usual diversionary tactics at work. While Americans are busy with the impeachment circus, the powers are hard at work,out of the spotlight, chipping away at your freedoms. Posted on December 26, 2019Natural Health News By Matt Agorist In case you have been under a rock, Donald Trump is getting […]
While you were focused on the impeachment farce, this brilliant “chess move” went down: Black Conservative Patriot
Well, this makes a change from “shock and awe” bombing threat negotiation doesn’t it? RTSat, 07 Dec 2019 21:22 UTC In a reprieve from the usual bellicose rhetoric, President Donald Trump thanked the leaders of Iran for swapping an American prisoner with a detained Iranian scientist. Senior officials, however, told […]
Six degrees of separation? With the Elite and the Mainstream Media it seems considerably less! Yes, Gavin Newsome, Is Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew. And Yes, Adam Schiff’s Sister Is Married To George Soros Son. And Yes, John Kerry’s only child, Daughter, Is Married To A “Mullah’s Son In Iran………… And remember […]