“Peak Swamp”? Trump “out for blood”? Interesting opinion on why the Jeffery Epstein arrest is going down at this moment in time: Tom LuongoGold, Goats ‘N GunsMon, 08 Jul 2019 00:00 UTC “Bernie Birnbaum is a horse of a different color, ethics-wise that is…. … as in he ain’t got […]
A math teacher says she has lost her job at a private school in Southern California for speaking out in defense of Western Civilization – even though she made her comments outside the classroom. Authored by Jennifer Kabbany via The College Fix, Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based […]
Christopher Bollyn on the Cause of the High Mortality Among the First Responders By Christopher Bollyn on June 30, 2019 URL Link: www.youtube.com/watch Thousands of first responders and others who worked on or near “the pile” of the destroyed World Trade Center are very sick and dying, as this current […]
Iran will never pursue a nuclear weapon, its foreign minister has claimed, saying Islam prevented the country from doing so. Patrick Wintour – The Guardian June 26, 2019 Iran has previously said it is ideologically opposed to acquiring nuclear weapons and seeks nuclear power only for civilian purposes. But in […]
David Icke dodges the YT censorship bullets to bring some honest opinion and discernment to the brewing US-Iran conflict. War With Iran – The Elephant In The Living Room David Icke Published on Jun 26, 2019 Our Youtube Sponsor – Oxnylia – https://www.oxnylia.com To have David’s Dot Connector Videocast sent […]
India’s dispatch of naval and air assets to the Gulf in response to the latest US-provoked crisis there is anti-Iranian to the core and intended to serve as an exercise for improving the South Asian state’s interoperability with its new American military-strategic ally. By Andrew Korybko Source: Eurasia Future June […]
You can read the details elsewhere, and you know the geopolitical rub. here’s the important part. by Martin Harris 22/6/18 Iran shot down a US Military drone aircraft. With his advisors pushing for retaliation, and minutes to go before launch, President Donald Trump asks how many lives might be lost […]
In a move that surprised exactly zero people, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has wasted no time scrambling to blame Iran for damage done to two sea vessels in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, citing exactly zero evidence. Caitlin Johnstone – Sign of the Times June 14, 2019 In […]
Russia and China took another step away from the US dollar after the two countries agreed to develop bilateral trade using the ruble and the yuan. Published time: 5 Jun, 2019 15:38 Edited time: 5 Jun, 2019 16:04 from RT.com It was just one of the major deals reached after […]
Newly leaked documents from the Snowden archive confirms the extremely close level of cooperation between the American and Israeli intelligence services, especially as part of the Neocon’s “global war on terror.” The documents disturbingly reveal the NSA assisted in an aggressive targeted assassination campaign waged by Israel inside Lebanon, especially during […]