Gratitude for a Country that Once Deserved Thanks Lament for a Society of Shame The celebration of Thanksgiving has lost its purpose over the centuries. Consider the meaning of George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation: Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to […]
Mrs. Katherine Griggs, wife of Colonel George Griggs (Special Operations) gives an insight of the twisted evil of the American Intelligence community and the methods they use to recruit and control operatives.
I watched with horror on the TV news the other night as Police officers in Providence pursued a white pickup truck, based on information that an escaped felon had abandoned a stolen Police car in favour of a “a white pickup”. Now, I don’t know how many “white pickups” are […]
From Superpower to Incompetence Paul Craig Roberts Having grown up during the second half of the 20th century, I don’t recognize my country today. I experienced life in a competent country, and now I experience life in an incompetent country. Everything is incompetent. The police are incompetent. They shoot children, […]
This has always been something that angers me, so it’s about time the MSM turned their spotlight on the subject. Elite tax havens: Trillions of dollars of “dead” money sitting rotting in tax havens while millions struggle to survive. This is what’s wrong (among other things) with the United nations […]
This just popped up on my MSN propaganda feed: no doubt a clearer (or murkier?) picture will emerge shortly. Up to six people have been killed in New York after a truck was driven into people using a busy bike path in New York, reports say. Police have confirmed there […]
How Public Ownership Could Revive Community Banks Crushing regulations are driving small banks to sell out to the megabanks, a consolidation process that appears to be intentional. Publicly owned banks can help avoid that trend and keep credit flowing in local economies. At his confirmation hearing in January 2017, Treasury […]
If you’ve never heard the story of John Titor, here’s the basics: Now you have the basics the “John Titor” story, get ready for one of the weirdest yet most intriguing cases to ever endure on the internet. And it is so strangely plausible……!! These three videos are a […]
The Sun and staff writers News Corp Australia Network October 25, 201710:34pm A PHOTO appearing to show former US president George HW Bush with his hand on actress Heather Lind’s rear end has surfaced, prompting his office to release a statement claiming the gesture that was meant to be “good-natured”. […]
By Matt Agorist An extensive survey of hundreds of adults across the United States has just revealed that the thing most Americans fear—more than anything else—is their own government. In fact, according to the survey, no other fear even comes close to the percentage of Americans who worry about their […]