Source: Russia Today rt.com You want to know what news sends chills down the spines of the world’s governments? Not “rogue regimes’” purported saber rattling. Not even bad economic data coming out of Wall Street. It’s news like this: “The search giant Google and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency are […]

https://wikileaks.org/wiki/CIA_Red_Cell_Memorandum_on_United_States_%22exporting_terrorism%22,_2_Feb_2010 Release date August 25, 2010 This CIA “Red Cell” report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; ‘Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, […]

Just as it appeared that long-standing spats between Beijing and Washington over such issues as trade imbalances, the valuation of China’s currency, and sanctions against Iran and North Korea might be fading, a new set of squabbles arises immediately afterwards, with tensions building and mounting in recent weeks over events […]
