CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing Monday in which she acknowledged an apparent link between those who believe in high-level government shadow conspiracies and not having Myocarditis.  Your Friday dose of satire Kindly forwarded by Jon Eisen… According to the CDC’s findings, “total nutjobs” appear to be […]

Communications from our enigmatic contributor: Behind the MSM blackouts, propaganda and censorship on recent events. As always, do your own research on these subjects and question everything! MH from 3/9/22 Boris Johnson; still commanding The UK Special Forces; last night dispatched 60 elites from the command stationed in Kent; to […]

A Left Wing Socialist government protecting pedophiles. Illuminati rituals, mass protests and elite corruption. Even a connection to Big Pharma with Prozac and fluoride…This well crafted documentary exposes a story many may never have heard, but serves as a warning to the world, MH Hidden away deep within the forests […]

Russia has launched sweeping military drills in the country’s east that involve forces from China – a show of increasingly close defence ties between Moscow and Beijing amid tensions with the West over the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Vostok 2022 (East 2022) exercise is being held Sept. 1-7 in […]
