According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, who runs a crowdsourced project to analyze 300,000 Pfizer documents released via a FOIA request, 44 percent of pregnant women who participated in the drug maker’s COVID-19 vaccine trial lost their babies. Will Witt and Jonas VesterbergThe Florida StandardTue, 16 Aug 2022  As first reported by American […]

Last week, University College London researchers did a landmark review “The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence.” The authors said they found ‘no convincing evidence’ of a link between low serotonin levels and depression. Sott.netWed, 10 Aug 2022 The popularity of the “chemical imbalance” theory […]

Ordinary people in the West reading and listening to the mainstream media have been presented with a series of narratives regarding the war in Ukraine.  Apparently, Russia has been losing its war in Ukraine since the first days of the conflict.  By Dr. Leon Tressell – South Front Aug 11, 2022 […]
