Halifax Bank tells customers “If you don’t like our Woke virtue signalling, close your account and go away”. And guess what? That’s exactly what happened, as Australia’s Sky News reports. Halifax bank an example of ‘corporate virtue-signalling gone wrong’ Halifax Bank is an example of “corporate virtue-signalling gone wrong” after […]

Think things are bad in your corner of the world? Watch this example of rampant totalitarianism. And who is Administrator of Tokelau ? Ross Ardern. Administrator’s Corner (tokelau.org.nz) He’s Been Placed Under House Arrest For 11 Months And Counting Thanks to Liz Gunn at https://freenz.substack.com/ for bringing this to our […]

The lavish deliveries of ‘lethal aid’ from the US, UK and other NATO countries to Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia have led to marketplaces where some of those weapons can be purchased popping up on the Dark Web, RT Russian has learned. RTSat, 02 Jul 2022 19:39 UTC   The […]

Russian troops were withdrawn from Ukraine’s Snake Island on Thursday, the defense ministry announced during a daily briefing. The move was described as a goodwill gesture meant to alleviate concerns over Moscow allegedly blocking attempts to haul grain out of Ukraine. RT.com – June 30, 2022 “This demonstrated to the […]

One of the most disappointing aspects of the COVID pandemic has been the willingness of adults to impose untested restrictions and policies on young children, while ignoring any potential negative impacts to their mandates. Ian Millerbrownstone.org  2 July, 2022 Without pushback from the media, supposed “experts” have recommended school closures, […]

Hearing? Don’t bother. Here’s all you need to hear! During these times when the Democrats are terrified of Trumps return, and the recent hearings have been engineered to reinforce a fake narrative that claims Trump encouraged violent action on January 6 2021, we present factual and clear evidence that he […]
