The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. Note: Be sure to read my comments […]

“Resistance is futile” goes the famous catchphrase of Star Trek’s transhuman Borg Collective. And it seems if we resist the mRNA vaccine by injection, they’ll find other means to introduce it into our bodies. Should make even the most skeptical of us wonder what’s in that so-called vaccine, even after […]

CEO Arrested in ‘Massive Data Breach’ Case, Given $500K Bond, House Arrest With Ankle Monitor Resources: 🔵 Sekur: 🔵 Epoch TV: 🔵 Initial DA Statement: 🔵 Criminal Charges PDF: 🔵 Case Analysis: —————- ⭕️ Follow us on GAN JING WORLD:… ⭕️ Subscribe for updates: […]

A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations into deaths in New Zealand. from The Expose A deceased person is usually referred to a Coroner when a medical doctor is not able to write a death certificate […]
