The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. Note: Be sure to read my comments […]
“Resistance is futile” goes the famous catchphrase of Star Trek’s transhuman Borg Collective. And it seems if we resist the mRNA vaccine by injection, they’ll find other means to introduce it into our bodies. Should make even the most skeptical of us wonder what’s in that so-called vaccine, even after […]
Welcome to the idiocracy. While some of the claims regarding the origin of SARS CoV-2 and the intent of Gain Of Function might be open to question, it’s the gist of this article that matters. The next “plandemic” could be brewing a lab right now. MH Caitlin TilleyDaily MailMon, 17 […]
The mRNA vaccine does not stop you getting Covid. It does not stop you transmitting Covid. The risks include myocarditis, especially among the male population, and high risks of miscarriage among First Trimester expectant mothers. That’s likely to be the tip of the iceberg as the evidence stacks up. And […]
CEO Arrested in ‘Massive Data Breach’ Case, Given $500K Bond, House Arrest With Ankle Monitor Resources: 🔵 Sekur: 🔵 Epoch TV: 🔵 Initial DA Statement: 🔵 Criminal Charges PDF: 🔵 Case Analysis: —————- ⭕️ Follow us on GAN JING WORLD:… ⭕️ Subscribe for updates: […]
A brave and honourable man and a passionate environmentalist who saw through the CO2 Climate Change lie. Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life The Late Late Show (2009) For information: David Bellamy was interviewed on Channel 4 news on 10 May 2005 (simply Google “david […]
Yet another commentary on the developing Pfizer and co. vaccine scandal. Although we’ve covered much of this ground over the past week, it bears reinforcement and repetition as this is the time of vindication for both the Unvaccinated by Choice and Vaccinated by Mandate. There certainly ought to be a […]
While we are all on an Ardern hate-fest (with good reason) here’s a little reminder that what came prior wasn’t so wonderful either. Former PM John Key is still a White Monkey as the following article demonstrates. MH Former Prime Minister Sir John Key has dolloped praise on China in […]
A Connecticut court has handed down a 1 billion dollar fine on radio host and independent journalist Alex Jones, for “spreading misinformation” about the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. Opinion by Kit Knightly The Off-Guardian This is a travesty, and that any could call such an absurd penalty “justice” is sickening. Especially when […]
A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations into deaths in New Zealand. from The Expose A deceased person is usually referred to a Coroner when a medical doctor is not able to write a death certificate […]