The UK government’s own report into the vaccine passport system also found that the scheme not only failed to prevent the spread of the virus, it could actually worsen the situation. Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Businesses in Wales are demanding vaccine passport exemptions after the government failed to […]

Brazil has had over 23 million cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began, with a 97% recovery rate. The results are in from the world’s largest study of ivermectin for COVID-19. FLCCC AllianceSubstackThu, 20 Jan 2022  Researchers in Brazil found that regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was […]

As the Western Military-Industrial complex rubs it’s hands with glee, and Russia provokes them with equal glee, here’s what the Ukrainian Defense minister says.. TassMon, 24 Jan 2022 Alexey Reznikov said that a scenario of a Russian attack in the near future was also unlikely Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov […]

The following is from Kiwi Dan Wootton from British paper Mailonline. Dan thinks his fellow NZ’ers will dub him a traitor. I call him a bloody legend and a hero! Last week a fed-up businessman placed an advertisement in New Zealand’s biggest news magazine. Under the headline, ‘The following countries […]

The war drums beat louder. You can almost hear the cash registers ringing in high places. Perhaps this ties in with the UK dropping all mandates: Preparing for war with Russia? From The Western Journal: The Russian military will strut its stuff off the Irish coast next month in a […]

Plus 10 Fundamental Questions in Relation to the Vaccine Rollout for 5-11 Year Olds. FreeNZfreenz.substack.comaconcernedkiwi I am a parent of a young child. I am concerned. Please consider this open and honest message. Covid killed someone very close to me. A wise lady with a sharp mind and a resolute […]

I’d take this reporting on the Ukraine situation with a grain of salt. A very big grain of salt. CNN seem to have a standard “template” for these reports that all use the phrase “Citing multiple sources familiar with the matter,” and reading between the lines, the story has no […]
