It was not by coincidence that yesterday marked the beginning of four different meetings of some of the world’s most powerful, despotic and increasingly nervous bloodline feudalists. In Montreux, Switzerland the 67th Bilderberg Meeting began with 130 participants from 23 countries. Today in Mecca, Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdul […]
Why has the much hyped hyperloop been scaled back to a Tesla-in-a-tunnel? No doubt many readers will be familiar with the RAND concept for an underground Rapid Transit System and the persistent rumours that the weird rattles and booms coming from underground across the US are a result of either […]
Not really surprising, as much of today’s MSM seems to be composed of keen Leftists: Eoin LenihanQuilletteWed, 29 May 2019 16:32 UTC © Andy NgoAntifa thugs On February 1, 2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But he was […]
Dr. Mercola and Professor Paul Connett detail the dangers of water fluoridation and provide updates on the Fluoride Action Network’s lawsuit against the E.P.A. They also give information on ways you can help the fight. For more information on how to help visit us at the link below.…
Stanton Friedman seems to have been a fixture of the world of UFO research since forever. It’s hard to pick up a book on the subject from my extensive ufological library that doesn’t refer to Friedman’s research in some context. So it was with some sadness that I read the […]
Yet more fakery, and more evidence of a Socialist agenda masquerading as a “Climate Emergency”. Is the sea rising? Not according to two Australian researchers. MH Vick BattsNews TargetTue, 28 May 2019 09:44 UTC A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists […]
“It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” Written by William F. Jasper “It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” That was the headline of an election news analysis piece by Damien Cave for the New York Times on May 19. Matt McDonald […]
A grim list illustrates the price of armed service: Not exactly a glowing endorsement. War, what is it good for…? Here’s Caitlin Johnstone’s story: Caitlin Johnstone May 27, 2019 By Caitlin Johnstone After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to […]
Here’s an archaeological puzzle I had never heard of before (and I thought I knew it all!). Brett Swancer of the excellent resource Mysterious Universe tells us more, plus some excellent video footage. Martin H Brent Swancer May 24, 2019 The villages of Longyou County, in Zhejiang province, China, have […]
The near-monopoly on the rare metals processing industry by China is becoming an increasingly obvious advantage in the Super-Power Trade-War, as the following article illustrates, the brewing US – Iran situation will add to China’s advantage. Note that “rare metals” aren’t all that rare or exclusively found in China, but […]