I love natural solutions to environmental problems, especially plastic waste. This is a goodie: Magic Mushrooms! Elias MaratThe Mind UnleashedTue, 02 Apr 2019 00:00 UTC Whether we like it or not, our society has become completely reliant on plastic. From food preservation to water transportation, computer technology to healthcare and […]
Yup, I’m going full-throttle “conspiracy” mode on this one! We’ve seen all the UN elements taking shape: Earthquakes and “resilient cities”, terror attacks, mass population displacements (migration), austerity/sustainability measures, and the ramping up of wireless technologies. We even have political figures attaining almost religious reverance! All that’s missing is the […]
A local Sydney council bowed to pressure from the Chinese Government and banned an Australian-owned media company from sponsoring an event because it was critical of the Communist Party. Four Corners By Nick McKenzie, Sashka Koloff, Mary Fallon A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and the Sydney Morning […]
VIPS warn that Trump’s policies regarding Venezuela appear to be on a slippery slope that could take us toward war in Venezuela and military confrontation with Russia. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Avoiding War with Russia over Venezuela Mr. President: Your Administration’s policies […]
Yes, it’s time for another refreshingly un-PC opinion piece from G Squared! Consume, obey, enjoy:) In Dec. 1997 The Mayor of a major city read an Islamic poem in a public speech. In 1999 he was found guilty and gaoled for four months for ‘Inciting HATRED (Hate Speech) based on […]
Visiting the US-Mexico border in Calexico, California, President Donald Trump declared America “full” and repeated that illegal crossings constituted an emergency, vowing to send more troops to the border and build the wall. RTSat, 06 Apr 2019 19:58 UTC Trump argued that many migrants crossing the border illegally are making […]
Here in Christchurch there has been much controversy about the announcement that the name of our local Rugby team and it’s pre-match horsemen in ‘Crusader’ garb, are to be ditched, in reaction to the recent mosque attacks and subsequent expressions of sympathy towards the Muslim community. By Martin Harris 7/4/19 […]
Time to wake up. Beethoven’s Ode To Joy blares uncomfortably loudly from the Monitor to inform you of this fact. A different tune plays in your mind: Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb. By Martin Harris, 6/4/19 Hello, is there anybody in there? Open your eyes and look around. Living (if you […]
On March 26 President Trump, now relieved of the burden of the Russiagate investigation holding back his administration, made the important strategic announcement that America will be reviving the John F. Kennedy space program to bring humanity back to the Moon, with the intention of leaping onwards to Mars. Matthew […]
The Ecuadorean embassy in London is set to expel Julian Assange within “hours to days”, using the corruption scandal leaks as a pretext, WikiLeaks claimed, citing a high-level source in the South American country. RTFri, 05 Apr 2019 01:11 UTC The government of Lenín Moreno, which has long been annoyed […]